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Oemeta USA

Oemeta is a 100-year-old, third-generation family-owned and managed company with products renowned for their high quality and reliability. Our focus on water-based cooling lubricants and application expertise makes us a leading specialist in the field. The coolants that Oemeta makes are a mix of conventional products such as our Unimet AS260 all the way to our innovative family of two-component coolants called Hycut. All these products, while different in overall design, effectively represent our driving goals in the market of environmentally friendly, stable and cost-effective coolants. They can help reduce consumption, lower disposal, increase tool life, and save your company time and money.

After more than 85 years of providing our global partners with innovative coolants, Oemeta Germany formed what is now Oemeta USA. It started out as an operation with just a few people in Delaware in 2003 and now consists of a network of representatives and distributors that span across the country. This constantly expanding network allows us to support our customers anywhere in the United States. In 2018 we expanded even further with the opening of our new facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. This facility will start production of our products in early 2019 to serve and support the growing North American market. This production facility will allow us to have shorter lead times and a broader selection of products including our full range of water-miscible fluids, straight oils, support oils, minimum quantity lubricants, and oil-free products.

The combination of 100 years of production knowledge, dedicated staff and modern manufacturing techniques will allow Oemeta to continue to offer what we always have- metalworking coolants from specialists for specialists.

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